

Devotions to help you live out your faith


The Porpoise Driven Life

You may have heard of popular Christian teaching book The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren. Maybe you’ve even read it (if you haven’t, I would recommend it!). But have you ever heard of the Porpoise Driven Life? Watch the video to be enlightened. The first minute or so is satire on Christian fads, but then in the second minute it does make a few good points about the need to be in community, and in the world but not of it. Have a watch, and share what you think in the comments below.

5 thoughts on “The Porpoise Driven Life

  • Name

    “And what better fish to teach us than a fellow mammal?” lol
    genius, where can we order some copies for Revelation from? J

  • Name

    “And what better fish to teach us than a fellow mammal?” lol

    genius, where can we order some copies for Revelation from? J

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