

Devotions to help you live out your faith


Why 100%?

On the top of every page on All4God there is a wee phrase “Living for God 100% 24/7/365”. And I thought I should probably explain why that is there. Why we need to give 100% all the time.
Because it is fully possible to get through life (and that includes the spiritual aspects of it) without giving it anywhere near your best shot. You can just do the bare minimum, scrape through it all, turn up to church every so often, read your Bible here and there, make an effort not to sin and pray for forgiveness when you screw up. And miss out on most of what God has planned for you. Miss out on the opportunities to advance the Kingdom He will present you with.
The reason for giving 100% is not for our own benefit. If you are a Christian you will be saved, regardless of how much effort you put in. The Christian who spends all their time on Facebook or watching TV will be just as saved as the Christian who is never further than arms reach away from a well used study Bible. The reason for going flat out, wanting to be 100% on fire for God is we are surrounded by non-believers. And it is how they see us acting that will influence their views on Christianity. It is how clued in we are to the Holy Spirit to speak words of hope into their life that could affect their eternity. It is how well we know our Bible that will affect how well we can answer their deep questions. It is not for our own benefit that we strive to be totally devoted to God at all times, for nothing we could do would make Him love us more (or, equally importantly, love us less). The reason for being 100%, blinker-vision devoted to God is so that we can be the best possible representatives for Him to our non-believing friends, family and work colleagues.
For in 1 Corinthians 3 Paul talks about how some will be saved but it will be like “escaping through a wall of flames” (1 Corinthians 3:15). Some people will go through life, doing the bare minimum spiritually, not really let their faith show, not make any huge effort to let it affect their day to day life, not make any significant spiritual impact on the lives of others, and when they get to Heaven it will be as if they have only just scrapped in, only just escaped the flames of Hell. I don’t want to be like that! I don’t want to slowly stumble over the metaphorical finish line of the race of life, having the regret of knowing that if I had tried harder I could have had a rapturous, triumphant entry.  I want to be satisfied that I have earned the right to be greeted “Well done good and faithful servant” by God when I reach Heaven. . Do you? Will you strive today to give God your all? Will you seek to give Him not ‘just enough’ but your very best? Because there are a countless number of people whose destinies potentially hang in the balance.

2 thoughts on “Why 100%?

  • Funny you mention the 1 Corinthians 3 quote. I was just reading that last night and was struck by the same idea that you discussed. Thanks for sharing!

  • Funny you mention the 1 Corinthians 3 quote. I was just reading that last night and was struck by the same idea that you discussed. Thanks for sharing!

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