

Devotions to help you live out your faith


Restart your worship

Oh come, let us worship and bow down; let us kneel before the Lord, our Maker!” Psalm 95:6

Everybody worships. Worship isn’t just something that Christians do. Worship is the act of ascribing worth to someone or something. We all worship something. Some worship sports stars, others worship actors, while yet others worship rock idols. Some worship food, while others worship technology. We all worship something. There is not one person who doesn’t have something that they worship. But there is only One who is truly worthy of our worship – the Lord, our maker. We must ensure we worship correctly by worshipping the One who is worthy.

Worshipping God helps us reset our attitudes. It reminds us of His holiness. It reorientates us to truth. It reminds us of our need of Jesus’ love and mercy. Worship restores our joy. Worship is an opportunity to grow in our relationship with God.

When we worship we are ascribing worth to God. We are acknowledging our need of Him. We are reminded of how small we are, and of how short this time on earth is when compared to His vast majesty and the never-ending, abundant love He has for us. It reminds us that though the sorrow may last for the night joy comes in the morning. Worship reorientates our perspective to focus not on these brief momentary afflictions but on the eternal weight of glory that is to come. Worship reminds us that God is bigger than any problem we face. He is bigger than our debts. He is bigger than our diagnosis. He is bigger than our doubts. He is bigger!

As we fast through this season we can carve out space to worship. We can use the time that otherwise would have gone to the things we are fasting from to praise, to glorify and thank God for all He has done for us. Worship is an opportunity to get refilled and restored, to get renewed and fired up to face life with an increased confidence and boldness. Worship isn’t just something we do for three songs on a Sunday morning. Worship isn’t just about music and songs. Worship is a way of life. It is a heart posture we must adopt at all times. It is the continual acknowledgement the Jesus is the King of our lives, the posture of laying ourselves down, bowing before Him, giving Him all the glory and adoration. Maybe this year is a year for you to start worshipping like never before, to start living a life of worship, starting each day kneeling before God and praising Him for the wonderful things He has done for us.

Prayer focus

Spend time in adoration today, thanking God for all the amazing things He has done for you. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you continually worship and praise God for His love. Repent of the times you have ascribed greater worth to created things than the Creator of heaven and earth.